Thursday, June 09, 2005

book tag

what the hell is a book tag
oh well i'll play too

1. The number of books I have
i dunno, a lot, bookcases full, boxes in storage, i get stuff from the library (lie berry)

2. The book I’m currently reading
Edgar Allen Poe's Murders in the Rue Morgue, having read this many times i thought i'd read it again, this is certainly where sir arthur conan doyle got sherlock holmes from, there ar ea number of scenes stolen directly from this story and shaped into holmes,

3. Last book I bought
Hegemony or Survival America's Quest for Global Dominance (The American Empire Project) - Noam Chomsky

4. Last book I read

Hegemony or Survival America's Quest for Global Dominance (The American Empire Project) - Noam Chomsky

5. Five books that have meant a lot to me

The Jungle Book - Rudyard Kipling
simply awesome stories, i couldn't do these justice with a description

American Indian Myths and Legends by Richard Erdoes and Alfonso Ortiz
These aren't the "and this is how the procupine got it's quills" type of story, real folklore with the violence, sex, and humour you don't usually read in native myths and legends

Edgar Allen Poe - Complete works
One of the greatest writers ever, and by far my favourite poet

Carlos Castaneda The Teachings of don Juan
this book is freaky, anthropology student goes in search of a shaman to learn about peyote etc, the descriptions in this book are enough to get you high. I highly reccomend it.

Holy Grail Across the Atlantic - Michael Bradley
Some of the coolest and most interesting theories about the grail, early north american explorers, and archeology. Not sure if its all true but an amazing story nonetheless

i tag spock, cap'n kirk, bones, scotty, lt. uhura, and sulu, checkov, you're lucky, this time