danger, robits n racists

Blackwater Mercenaries: Coming Soon to Your Town
Is This Iran Crisis for Real? by Patrick J. Buchanan
for a xenophobic racist sometimes he has some good points

Fujitsu Frontech Limited and Fujitsu Laboratories Ltd. today announced they will begin selling an advanced practical-use service robot that can assist in such tasks as providing guidance, escorting guests, transporting objects, and security patrolling
human: Please robot I am in need of guidance, which life path shall I take?
Robot: R-O-B-O-T!
The State of Georigia hates blacks, the poor, and the elderly
Georgia is still charging people to vote, a new voter ID law requires many people without driver's licenses - (a group that is disproportionately poor, black and elderly) - to pay $20 or more for a state ID card. There is not a single place in the entire city of Atlanta where the cards are sold.
if i were a republican reptilian shit demon i probably wouldn't want black people, poor people, and old people to vote either,
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